The game can be run in-browser, but if you download it, you'll  have musical accompaniment! It's a choose-your-adventure game about hedge fund practices. And yes, also a midterm. First, you have to make it through the discriminatory hiring process. Then, you have to manipulate the markets and "play in the gray" of legality by setting up off-shore accounts, bribing government officials, and generally being tax-avoidant on behalf of your investors. Try not to get fired nor jailed. There are 91 traversable screens, so feel free to lie about some demographic questions on that resume to see them all!

bug fix: optimized for browser window


Hoang, Kimberly Kay. 2022. Spiderweb Capitalism: How Global Elites Exploit
Frontier Markets. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Polanyi, Karl. 2001. Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon University Press.

Neely, Megan Tobias (2022). Hedged Out: Inequality and Insecurity<span class="textLayer--absolute" <insecurity<="" span=""> </span>on Wall
Street. Oakland, University of California Press.


Hedged 5 MB